Monday, September 22, 2008

Wedding Blog vs. Wedding Website?

So here's my dilemma, do I want a Wedding Blog or a Wedding Website, or both? I like this whole Blog idea, the ability to share the details as they become available is really appealing to me, especially since the whole thing has kind of changed, and changed, and just when we thought we had it all nailed down, it changes again :). I guess the best way to explain this would be to give some background about the whole wedding planning process.....

First we were going to get married in February 2009, at some location in the Phoenix Metro Area, I spent several hours a day for several weeks trying to find the perfect place that would fit our guest list as well as our budget.....except we didn't really have a budget, I don't know how to come up with a freaking wedding budget. But I did know that this was VERY exhausting, as well as stressful, especially since everything was going to cost several thousand dollars each. I was losing my mind. For as much as Jim loves me (and believe me, he does, especially after he put up with this particular time frame) he wasn't thrilled with the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, he wants to get married, he just didn't want the whole several thousand dollar ordeal.

So, we started talking and we really liked the whole backyard BBQ idea, so switching gears and dates, now we were planning to get married in March 2009, I spend several hours a night, for about a week looking at vacation rental homes in various parts of Arizona. I found this beautiful cabin in Payson, and was in love. We made an appointment for the following weekend to check it out, and it was PERFECT, except it was also for sale, go figure. Then we were right back at square one, and time was running out.

The thing for me was that I wanted to get married on our anniversary, but it fell on a Tuesday and in January. But it seemed that with all the "roadblocks" in the way for the other dates, we finally decided that our anniversary was the perfect date for us to get married, and that Las Vegas was the best option. So I spent about two hours on the computer looking at hotels (3 to be exact) and decided on the Stratosphere. So the date is set, the location is set.

Until now, I spent several hours online last night, and found about 7 other casinos that I wouldn't mind getting married at, in fact it's going to be a hard decision for me to make. I'm going to have to break out the Pro's and Con's list, and enlist the help of my Maid of assured the date isn't going to change, just the location might.

Now back to my original dilemma, which is better a wedding blog where I can keep everyone updated on the whole planning process, or the wedding website, where I can just put the finalized information in, and a little bit about how we met?

Who am I kidding, I'm going to have both........I'll let you know when the website is done :).


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